Delivering Capital and Consulting Services for
Lower-Middle and Middle Market Companies
in the Heavy Freight Sector
Comprehensive Transaction Support
for Buy- and Sell-Side Clients
Strategic Rail Capital LLC (SRC), specializing in investment banking services for companies with revenue between $25 million and $1 billion engaged in heavy freight and logistics, was established by the principals of Strategic Rail Finance (SRF).
SRC focuses on private placement of debt and equity, as well as FINRA-regulated mergers and acquisitions. The firm is a natural outgrowth of SRF’s 25 years as trusted advisor to the public and private sector on freight rail, transportation infrastructure, and industrial development.
Our clients include railroads, rail service providers, third-party logistics, intermodal trucking, terminal operators, ports, maritime services, and heavy industrial companies.
SRC and SRF are joined by their affiliate NGO OnTrackNorthAmerica (OTNA) to comprise Strategic Rail Group.
Our Portfolio
Contact us to learn more about our completed transactions
Private placement of debt
and equity
Mergers & acquisitions for buy- and sell-side clients
Corporate due diligence and
re-structuring advisory
Get In Touch
(215) 564-3122
1700 Sansom Street, Suite 701
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Michael Sussman